Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Activity 1:

You have an evil twin. It comes in handy sometimes... After all, you can get more stuff done when you assign some tasks to your twin. Unfortunately, it doesn’t always work out as planned. You told your twin to write a thank-you note to your grandma, and, now, looking at it, you’re not sure your grandma’s going to understand a word of it.

Your mission: translate the following e-mail into grandma friendly terms and send it back to your teacher for review. It’s okay if you change some words or change word order.

Sup G-ma?

Thnx for the cell. It’s frickin’ sweet! Srsly! Now I can make my BFF, Kate, totally jealous. JK! OBTW, I tried to call you to thnk u B4, but the line was busy. Guess you were OTP. IDK when we will make it out to visit B/C mom tells me nothing! LOL! Don’t worry, we’ll be there B4YKI.


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