Sunday, April 13, 2008

Writing from the point of view of a tooth

"Writing from the point of view of a tooth"
Svitak, Adora

For class, we had an activity to write from the point of view of a tooth. Here's my piece:

I wiggled back and forth.

"Is that a wiggly tooth, Louise?" I heard someone's shrill, echoing voice from outside my dark wet cavernous home.

"Yeah, mom. Dentist said it should come out in a coupla weeks." Now the voice echoed inside my home. I was bounced up and down as the walls opened and closed.

My position in my home was not the best compared to my fellow teeth. When the walls opened, they were always the ones who could see out. But me? I had the sad fate of being located near the wizards (highly respected teeth) but not quite a wizard myself, so when I was pulled, or fell out, no one would mourn me.

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