Friday, September 14, 2007

Blog Eval

Blogging is about more than just creating an online journal; blogging is about communicating with other bloggers, and learning new things from the feedback you receive in your comments section. Exploring other blogs is a part of being a successful blogger. We can learn from other blogs. Which blogs do you like? Which blogs do you dislike? Why?



Tone- the characteristic style of a piece of writing, the way somebody says something

Examples: optimistic, pessimistic, light-hearted, gloomy, casual, formal, academic, gossipy, sarcastic, warm, serious, facetious, dramatic, dry, outraged, enthusiastic,

1. Visit a blog that specializes in a specific topic.

2. Explore the blog for a few minutes. If you like it, stay a little longer.

3. Answer the questions below.

4. When you are done, continue exploring the blogs on your blog list. In your notebooks, answer the blog eval questions for each blog.

Blog Eval Sheet-

1. Name of blog:-----------------------------------------------

2. Is the blog visually appealing? ---------------------------

3. Are there many images? ----------------------------------

4. Do you like the way the blog looks?--------------------

Describe the way the blog looks:-----------------------------------------------------------------------------

3. What is the blog’s primary topic? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

3. What kind of tone does the blogger use? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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