Friday, September 14, 2007

Blog Evaluation

Have you ever read a blog with borders that looked like sweaterneck designs? If so, I sympathize. The blog, a political blog, is not only fringed by these drab borders, but flashy ads matching its sensationalist tone. I was not impressed by, and I realized the importance of choosing designs and advertisements with taste.

One blog that I found particularly interesting was, about, evidently, world history. Their sky background is nicely staying in the background and not drawing attention away from the subject. The unobtrusive sky colors of blue and white also compliment the blogger's speculative tone. I liked the subject matter but I was disappointed that many posts were articles he recommended that were written by other people, instead of his own work. This blog helped me learn that displaying your own work makes your blog more unique, and that images are essential to helping readers get a good grasp on the subject matter., a blog about classic literature, has a lack of images and is set against a plain dark blue background that emphasizes the blogger's serious tone. I felt that the blogger did not address us and I was somewhat pushed away. I thought that the blog, while focusing on interesting subject matter, was slightly boring. I knew after reading this blog that addressing your readers or their key interests directly helps "pull people in."

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