Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Note on investigating an author

Yesterday, I read a web article by Charles Stahler; I was to look him up and see what his background was, what other things he had written, and about his life. I had found many good strategies to find things out about him. I looked on wikipedia and found that there was no page on him, so what I did was went on Google and looked up things written by Charles Stahler. It took many sites to find what I wanted, but I found what I was looking for. I looked at many sites but I found that www.vegparadise.com , www.a1books.com , www.grist.org , www.alibris.com , and www.bn.com (barns and noble ) were the most useful. These sites gave me the best information the quickest, and they had it in a way that was really easy for me to understand. I found that Charles Stahler is codirector of vegetarian group (vrg), he writes with his wife Debra Wasserman. He is a father and he wrote the books Meatless maeals for Working People, and No Cholesterol Passover Recipies. Interested in more about Charles Stahler? Then go to www.vrg.org .
-posted by Katie

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