Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Two Perspectives on the first footage of the Gerboa, a rare rodent

The world has so many things that sound so nice, but the one thing we hate to hear is the screech of a cat's meow. We are growing weak and there are growing few of us, but we have just found that there is now one more thing we must fend for our selves from; That is a cat, with its tall ears, their claws as sharp as a blade of a sword, their stealthy movements, and their tails that we can be trapped in and killed, then eaten for that cat's dinner before he was killed as well. We fear humans for their big hand that pick us up and stroke our fur; their hands are rough and big when they touch our fur. They smell nothing like us; all we can smell when they are around is canned foods and other animals so much bigger than us. If the humans didn't care about us, those brobdingnagian animals could eat us in one hole. So thanks to those who care and please try to make other people care so we don't get eaten in a mouthful.

The first time I had ever been to the pet store, I saw the pet that I would ask my mom to get me; it was the Gerboa. I love that it had a long tail and that its ears were 1/3 the size of there its head; when my mom looked at the Gerboa, she shook her head in a disapproving way, she said "No no no no no no no no, I will never let that freaky animal in my house". She took my hand and made me look at the dogs. When we done looking I asked for the Gerboa, she shook her head, and we left. Now it has been 20 years, since that day and the Gerboas are growing thin and weak. I still go and see if I could get one, but they stopped selling them because they were going extinct, so I want everyone in the world to care and do something nice to save those small big eared little animals.

posted by Katie

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