Tuesday, June 19, 2007

frassy tomboy's opposite

Grgrum was a heartless giant who lived in a damp, hollow tree. He lived in Cdonslka, a place where it always rained. The rain never stopped, not even for a brief moment. It had been raining since the beginning of time. Grgrum was a giant fellow with grey, lumpy arms, and a giant, lumbering body. He always wore a crooked sneer. Maloderous drool ran down the sides of his face. Every time he spoke, speckles of spit would come flying from his mouth. Grgrum never took showers...In his whole lifetime, he had never changed his clothes once. His clothes were ragged with age, and stiff with stink. He wore blue breeches that were caked with mud and food-stains. Grgrum knew nothing, except how to kill living beings. He could not perform simple math problems, he could not tell you what the word "eye" meant. He was completely ignorant of the world around him.
Grgrum was tone deaf, and despised music. He considered the word "melody" a swear word. He hated all forms of art, especially cubism and portraits of people. Grgrum was a hateful being. He believed that animals were stupid and deserved to be killed. So Grgrum was a carnivore all his life. He was an un-humane, uncaring carnivore, ignoring all the screams of the pigs he brutally murdered.
Grgrum hardly ever talked. He usually just grunted and grumbled, with the occasional roar. He walked slowly, and was very lazy. He didn't wake up until noon, each day. He was unbelievably obese, and undeniably stinky.

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