Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Descriptive language. No Figuretive Language.

1. The ruler is straight and non-flexible. The ruler is sparkly red and blue, and has a wooden case. The ruler stretches as high as the highest sky-scraper. It was created by Sir Doofusduguduganmisterduppy.

2. The waves of the ocean splash up, icy cold, against the sandy waves of shore. Dusk has spread all over the sky. The salty smell of the sea permeates through the gloom of the rain and gray. The waves have no mercy, spilling frothy white and blue all over the golden sand. Through the fog the sea rolls on.

1 comment:

Seeds of Learning said...

1. The ruler is as straight as a table. The ruler is sparkly red and blue, and has a wooden case. The ruler stretches as high as the highest sky-scraper. It was created by Sir Doofusduguduganmisterduppy.

2. The waves of the ocean splash up, icy cold, against the sandy waves of shore. Dusk has spread all over the sky. The salty smell of the sea permeates through the gloom of the rain and gray. The waves have no mercy, spilling like wipped cream all over the golden sand. Through the fog the sea rolls on.