Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Today we're doing activities where we write paragraphs using vocabulary words. Mine is "catharsis."
He was an Executive of formidable disposition; he was subjected to twenty-eight conferences a week, including weekends, meeting with obsequious courtiers of the business life. It was a foggy day, thunder booming outside the skyscraper, when a disturbance was caused on the twenty-fourth floor. Rialto had to be fired, the Executive thought. This was undeniable. The same Executive, however, was later reduced to a shuddering mortal upon the church's confessional floor. It was his catharsis; he poured out the pitiful story of his hurried life and washed out the worries until he was wrung out, like a rag, at which point he dragged his feet away from the church, a wretched man, the Executive no longer.

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