Thursday, May 11, 2006

Impious Vocabulary

The Morris Razbelly Diner was a nasty little dive down on the corner of 42nd and Penderle Street. Its waitresses had a reputation for chicanery; customers were always complaining that they had been overcharged. The owner, Morris 'Big Belly' Razbelly, maintained a semblance of respectability in the community, but it was whispered that he was a fence. He ran a poker game out of the back room, and the Honorable Reverend White devoted several sermons to decrying the diner as a den of iniquity and vice. Big Belly was skilled in the art of sophistry and was able to (fallaciously) convince customers who feared the wrath of the allmighty that God himself played poker.

1 comment:

Adora Svitak said...

Whoa--you know, we ought to continue this story with him getting in trouble with the law and such, and him drowning Reverend White because he was taking business away...