Thursday, May 04, 2006

Vocabulary Sentences

We hardly noticed the insidious traitor, even as he betrayed our secrets in plain sight and opened the gates of the fort to the British.

The Golden Epoch of the heroes lasted for a hundred years upon earth before the obnoxious magician Nivag came along.

The house was quite plebian and had the smell of peat and whiskey about it; the roof was of tatch of bad quality and the walls, of crumbling mud.

Emmeline Whinsy thought Zz to be plebian and rudely declined her invitation to tea.

I was insiduous and no one noticed me planning an escape to Zimbabwe.

Things that would cause me to blanch:
*eating a whole cake and then discovering that there was a whole gallon of rum in it.
*The Beast threatening to eat me.
*Discovering that Bush would be visiting Seeds of Lerning. (Though not as much if I had a gun)

from the notebooks of adora and adrianna svitak.
otherwise known as adora pest and frassy

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