Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Public Schools are confusing.

I had to go to the Redmond Elementary School on Monday, to take the WASL. I was worried that I would be late in finishing that session of the math test, but I was wrong. I had to read for an hour. I was in a room full of 4th graders. Only one other boy was in the 5th grade, taking the same boring test as me. Everyone was really quiet, I guess unlike Seeds of Leraning. I was kind of unused to raising my hand. When I was done I got to read. And read and read and read. Eventually my back got sore for sitting up for about 2 hours. I wanted to lie down and read but I didn't dare ask anybody if I could. So there I just sat and waited. That happened for about two days.
The test sessions aren't that hard, actually. Fairly easy, but awful boring. They use names like Lottie and Louis, Jane and Ann. Why can't they just use names like zilch and sfuzzi? Fails me. And those word problems...WHY would anyone want to test if grass grows better in less light or more light? WHY would anyone want to find out how to attract more birds to their yard? Jeez. Whoever out there who makes these tests, quit and let someone more interesting do it.

1 comment:

Seeds of Learning said...

Adrianna,no offense but I really think you ought to describe what that boy looked like? Did he seem like a shady criminal or a mousy midget?

What the heck kind of books did you read? What was the teacher like? What...anyways, get on with your stuff and don't call me an idiot.