Thursday, April 20, 2006


An anonymous insider of RE from the Academy of Ominous and Forbidding Knowledge (a.k.a Seeds of Learning) shared secret information from the school with members of AOFK, relating to a miserable test, bad teachers, and one Stuart Little movie.

This information will be used in the comparison between regular schools and the quite superior Academy of Ominous and Forbidding Knowledge, and the anonymous insider will continue to feed us information relating to the subjects.

The Academy of Ominous and Forbidding Knowledge centers on unique things, such as the diligent studying of the gangs of New York, research on bunny rabbits, a scourge upon the land, and other such interesting subjects which have no chances of being taught at an elementary school such as RE.

Schools such as RE pay unskilled teachers to drone on and on and on about bad or good behavior and how one could improve while the students make faces, pass notes, throw spitballs, and do not pay attention in any way.

Schools such as RE have students watch Stuart Little movies in class, color pictures and draw and write stupid things and call it “learning” and act altogether idiotic in school hours.

The Sneaky Kleptomaniac Grumpy Dwarf


Seeds of Learning said...

I have an idea who this insider is...

Seeds of Learning said...

I really like the phrase unwanted doompaper-