Friday, April 21, 2006

good god, everyones gone crazy...

The WASL should be banned. Seriously. Kids are getting toxic waste pushed up their brains from taking it. First of all, the WASL is way too easy. Calling the WASL WASL is a joke. Washington Assesment of Student Learning. I mean really…come on! Who’s learning anything?
The ‘stories’ in them are banal and awful and for babies. They expect kids to read this stuff? They put a Cinderella story in the 5th grade WASL! What the hell? Don’t they know that most 5th graders are reading things like Jane Eyre and Go Ask Alice and The Great Cheese Conspiracy? Obviously not. And the word problems…are retarded! The people that made the WASL must be evil retarded bitches. But that is sort of obvious.

~by adrianna

1 comment:

Seeds of Learning said...

This is what happens when you tell kids they can write whatever they want as long as it's about the WASL.