Friday, April 14, 2006

Today's Vocabulary

Adrianna was allergic to her smelly younger sister and was afflicted by a paroxysm of sneezing, coughing, and swearing each time Adora ventured near.

The massive black poodle was an onerous presence in the household, and gave the entire family a sense of impending doom.

Beastie had a certain lack of perspicacity; she failed to realize she was actually a beastie and spent most of her life pretending to be human.

Felisa had not yet been presented with her morning coffee and was thus acting like a virago.

The electric eel had a bad attitude and was prone to making vitriolic remarks.

Professor WigglyMumph claimed to know a great mixologist but he was really only a dilettante.


Seeds of Learning said...

Adora was allergic to her unbearably smelly older sister Adrianna and began a paroxysm of sneezing, swearing, and coughing. Adrianna began acting like a virago and jumping on Adora's head, throwing apples all around the room.

Seeds of Learning said...

oh shut the hell up.
